Paul C. Burrell, Carol M. Phalen, and Timothy A. Hovanec.
Filter Socks – Remove from aquarium when cycling
When starting to cycle your tank with our One & Only Live Nitrifying bacteria the directions on the back label say to remove the filter sock, if you have one, from your aquarium for 48 hours. It seems many people don’t know what a filter sock is and are confusing it with the filter pad …
Cycling an aquarium – where’s the nitrite!
A fairly common email to our customer service center is that our One & Only Live Nitrifying Bacteria is not working. The customer knows this because there is no nitrite in their aquarium. The thinking is that since they are cycling the tank there has to be nitrite in the water. They know ammonia is …
One & Only arrived warm – is it still good?
Short answer – yes, the One & Only Live Nitrifying bacteria is still good! The temperature of nitrifying bacteria is a concern to many people who worry that their One & Only Live bacteria are not good anymore because they arrived warm. This concern is not necessary as our bacteria prefer warmer water temperatures where …
Upside down goldfish – not the swim bladder
A goldfish swimming upside down in an aquarium is widely consider to have a problem with its swim bladder. This is almost never the case. The real reason is gas that has inflated the intestinal tract. I’ll explain. Goldfish do not have a stomach – yes, that’s right no stomach where food is traditionally digested. …
When to add One & Only Bacteria?
Common questions about adding One & Only are: “I have fish in the tank can I add One & Only?” or “My tank is set-up and I have high ammonia and/or nitrite can I add One & Only”? or “If I add One & Only can I add fish immediately”? The simple answer to all …
Preparing Artificial Saltwater
There are two general types of water for your saltwater or reef aquarium: real seawater that you buy at the fish store or get from the ocean yourself and artificial saltwater that you buy pre-mixed from your local store or in powder form (artificial sea salts) and you mix into saltwater yourself. We’re going to …
Our Product Mix – What to Use and Not Use Together
When it comes to the variety of DrTim’s Aquatics products, some can be used together but sometimes they should not be mixed. I am going to sort this out in a quick fashion for you. One & Only Live Nitrifying Bacteria — before adding One & Only Live Nitrifying Bacteria, the water must be free …