Our Product Mix – What to Use and Not Use Together
DrTim’s Aquatics offers a variety of products, most bacterial-based. For maximum effectiveness some products should not be added together to the aquarium on the same day. This allows the bacteria in a specific product to work without competition from the bacteria in other products.
Here is a quick summary of how to use our products and what other products should not be added to the aquarium on the same day.
One & Only Live Nitrifying Bacteria
Before adding One & Only Live Nitrifying Bacteria, the water must be free of chlorine and chloramines so use AquaCleanse or First Defense to accomplish this. If doing fishless cycle use First Defense not AquaCleanse. Make sure to turn off the protein skimmer, UV-sterilizer, and ozone plus remove any filter socks for 48 hours after adding One & Only Live Nitrifying Bacteria. Do not add Waste-Away, Re-Fresh or Eco-Balance during the first 2 weeks of adding One & Only Live Nitrifying Bacteria as these bacteria compete against the One & Only bacteria for micro-nutrients.
Can be used when first filling your aquarium and when doing large water changes (over 50%). While AquaCleanse can be used to temporarily control ammonia in emergencies, it is much better in the long run to use One & Only Live Nitrifying Bacteria to control ammonia. AquaCleanse is compatible with all our products as long as you do not extremely overdose the product. Since AquaCleanse removes ammonia do not use it when fishless cycling.
First Defense
Should be used when you are fishless cycling, adding fish to your tank and doing small water changes (less than 50%). It is also great to add to dip solutions and when accumulating your fish. Do not add First Defense on the same day you add Waste-Away, Eco-Balance or Clear-Up, as the vitamins in First Defense will strongly stimulate the growth of the bacteria in those products.
Used to naturally clarify aquarium water that is cloudy due to inorganic particulate material like fine sand or coral dust (rather than due to a bacterial bloom). For maximum effectiveness, you will need a good mechanical filter to remove the flocs that are formed when using Clear-Up. Do not use First Defense, Eco-Balance or Waste-Away on the same day you add Clear-Up.
Should always be used by itself. Do not add any other products (ours or others) for 24 hours after dosing with Re-Fresh. When trying to get rid of algae or cyanobacteria, it is best to add Re-Fresh, wait 48 hours and add another dose, wait another 48 hours and add a third dose. Turn your skimmer and UV off for at least 2 hours after dosing Re-Fresh. After the third dose, wait 48 hours and start adding Waste-Away per the instructions in our recipe cards.
Should always be used by itself. Do not add First Defense, Clear-Up or Waste-Away on the same day you add Eco-Balance. If this is the first time dosing your tank with Eco-Balance or you have not added it for several months, start with a low dose (1/4 to ½ the normal dose). Regular additions of Eco-Balance are best – every 2 to 4 weeks depending on the fish and coral load in your aquarium. Eco-Balance is 100% bacteria so do not add any carbon/fuel/sugar/vodka dosing products on the same day as these may stimulate the growth of the bacteria in Eco-Balance which may cause a bacteria bloom resulting in low oxygen levels in the aquarium water. For best results turn the protein skimmer off for 2 to 4 hours after dosing but carefully observe the water. As the first sign of haziness turn the skimmer back on.
Another product to use by itself. Do not add First Defense, Clear-Up or Eco-Balance on the same day you add Waste-Away. Dose these products no sooner than 48 hours after adding Waste-Away to the tank. If this is the first time dosing your tank with Waste-Away or you have not added it for several months, start with a low dose (1/4 to ½ the normal dose). If the water starts to turn cloudy, do not use more until the water clears. For best results, turn your UV and skimmer off for 2 to 4 hours after dosing Waste-Away, but at the first signs of cloudiness, turn your skimmer back on immediately. Regular additions of Waste-Away are best – even every week depending on the fish and coral load in your tank. Waste-Away is 100% bacteria so do not add any carbon/fuel/sugar/vodka dosing products on the same day as these may stimulate the growth of the bacteria in Waste-Away which may cause a bacteria bloom resulting in low oxygen levels in the aquarium water.
Waste-Away Time Release Gels
For best results clean your aquarium first with liquid Waste-Away and Re-Fresh or at least siphon clean the substrate before adding the gels. 48 hours after being placed in the aquarium you can use all our other products. If at any time the water starts to turn hazy remove the gel, place in a plastic bag and seal. Return the gels to the aquarium once the water clears. Waste-Away Time Release Gels continuously add bacteria to the water so do not add any carbon/fuel/sugar/vodka dosing products on the same day as these may stimulate the growth of the bacteria diffuse from the Waste-Away Gel which may cause a bacteria bloom resulting in low oxygen levels in the aquarium water.
NP-Active Pearls
For best results NP-Active Pearls should be used in a reactor where the Pearls are keep at a constant, slow churning to bring oxygen to the bacteria growing on the Pearls. Do not start with a full measure or Pearls as this may result in cloudy water. Also do not add First Defense on the day you add Pearls to your system. Adding a small amount Waste-Away is a good way to inoculate the Pearls and jump-start the process.
Ammonium Chloride
Our ammonium chloride is used for fishless cycling along with our One & Only Live Nitrifying bacteria. Never add ammonium chloride to an aquarium containing fish or corals. Do not add AquaCleanse to a tank that you add ammonium chloride too as the AquaCleanse will nullify the ammonia. We recommend following the directions in our step by step guide entitled Fishless Cycling a New Aquarium.